1:1 Container of Exploration

I walk hand in hand with zealous women that are seeking to descend into their uncharted waters of self. Women that are hungry to explore the depths of their truth. Women that are deeply yearning to unbind from societal, familial, and self expectations.

Truth does not always speak in words, but with the amount of disconnection surrounding us - telling us we need to go harder, faster, longer - has divorced us from our truth in many ways. Leaving many of us to seek answers outside of ourselves, opening avenues that lack luster, passion, and beauty.

How can we shine a light on this and its impacts on our reality?

By slowing down

By feeling

By listening

By connecting to truth beyond the words

By learning the language of our Soma

By acknowledging and witnessing the undercurrents of your existence

The most profound act of rebellion happens when we begin to accept the parts of us that we have watered down, filtered, or believe are unworthy. It is a double edged sword. The lower expression of these filters limit our capacity to express ourselves - While at the same time this inherited wisdom can become our greatest medicine.

The moment we give ourselves the permission to say fuck the programming that enslaves us to a perpetual ride of smallness, and accept all parts of you, allowing them to be witnessed - That is where the freedom resides.

There is an intensity that burns when we are able to meet ourselves as we are, with love and acceptance. When you allow yourself to explore without restraint. Crossing this threshold of awareness, we can allow our fractals to shine from a new perspective. When these fractals meet our gaze, we can shift our lens to view the endless opportunities for growth and stepping into the divine alchemist that you are designed to be.

This 6 month container is infused with - Intuitive guidance, Somatic coaching, Shadow work, Ritual, Movement practices, and Energy work to support your unfolding. In this sacred space you are encouraged to explore all of your different textures and layers - cultivating different levels of awareness.

You are a multilayered piece of Divinity. An exceptionally magickal, and unique thread - in the tapestry of life. We are not one size fits all. We use this knowing to forge your own path of self excavation and discovery. Which means our time together is tailored to coincide with you, and your ever evolving nature.

Coming soon

This offering an extension of my heart. A dancing, breathing, pulsating movement of intention.